среда, 5. новембар 2014.

TV Series and Films

-Hi guys,it's Milica.You know that,I am writing about Tv series and films.I'm going to start with one of my favourite films ''Tres metros sorbe el cielo'' (Three meters above the sky).

-It's one of the most popular love stories among teenagers,story of two yong people who belong to different words.It is the chronicle of love,improbable,almost impossible,but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discaver the first great love.

-Main actors are:Mario Casas and Maria Valverde

If you haven't seen the film you can watch it here http://www.filmovix.com/videos/tres-metros-sobre-el-cielo-tri-metra-iznad-neba-2010/ . I relly houp you like it!
-So guys this is everything for now.There's more coming soon. -Milica

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